03-02-2011, 01:32 AM
(03-01-2011, 11:17 PM)tca2963 Wrote: What exactly is the error message you are getting back?
Thanks for the reply. Here is the reply that I get,
We could not process Your report automatically because of the following problems:
[ROUTE] can not find a route. Please check your flight number, departure or arrival
Please fill the fields with the following values:
Callsign: Your TCA number. e.g. 2963
Flight : Line number from the TCA routes. e.g. 0040 or 1070 or coct1. For individual charter flight use route '0000'.
Departure/Destination: The airport ID. e.g. TNCC or KMIA
and here is a flight report that I filed,
TradeWind Caribbean Airline
Virtual Airline Fligh Report
Flight : TC0506
Report #: REP08676.TXT
Date : 2011/1/2011
Name : JC Martin
Callsign: pastordude
Tca# 9305
EMail : jcmrtm@sbcglobal.net
# Aboard: 125
Aircraft: boeing 737-800
Depart. : MYNN
Destin. : KMIA
Dep.time: 01:00
Enroute : 00:50
Fuel :
Route1 : N.A.
Route2 : N.A.
Speed : 400
Altitude: 24000
Remark 1:
JC TCA9305