(01-06-2011, 07:19 PM)freddy Wrote: Hi Pär,
Great shots, but, just curious, what kind of cargo are you transporting
LOL Freddy,
I was not thinking about that I were more intressted of trying this (Christians bird) and making the pictures so Christian & Stefaan could tell me if it was better with Anti-Aliasign on.
I'm doing a cargo flight TL0107-11 KLAX - Mynn in a MD-11 and this is a cargo AC (LOL)
(01-06-2011, 07:32 PM)CBreuer Wrote: Hey Pär.
These are indeed very nice pictures and that is exactly what Stefaan and me were talking about.
Did you mix the mail, or why were you flying inverted? Needless to say that this indeed is a very nice aircraft, although I love the 'D' model much more, as it has significant more power. And I don't have answers to the questions you have asked me via e-mail. I don't switch anything for using all fuel tanks, but this might be different to the FSX version! And for any reference speeds I would suggest to read the manual...
BTW I have added the flights to the OFR now. Sorry for the delay. But I knew I had forgotten something
LOL, yes I were mixing the cargo = Me (as Freddy wonder what cargo I were transporting)
Good to here that it has improved my pictures.
I did found the setting for all the tanks in the manual, the button are located on the right side. It may be differance between FS9 and FSX, becasuse I have to set what tanks should be open & close.
I will use it tomorrow.