OK Guys/Girls,
... the adventures of the Alaskan Kodiak in the Caribbean continued
Yesterday was leg 007, here's the map of the flight:
Par departed from the water, we did from land - let's say Vic and Christian didn't have much of a choice - ...
Lining up for departure at TJBQ.
Christian is flying the Beech KingAir 200 (I don't have a 200 in my inventory so it shows as a 300.. hope Christian can live with it) and Vic the Beechcraft Duke.
Me and Par took the trusty Kodiak Amphibian.
Practised a bit of formation flying with Vic enroute to our first TG, TJIG - Dominicci.
TG at Dominicci, a nice airport very near to San Juan.
Christian did his TG at San Juan, TJSJ. I just went for a flyby of the tower
Nice weather for sailing also...
now a big step ahead... my TG at TUPJ, Roadtown located at Tortola, Virgin Isl.
TG at RWY 09 TISX, A. Hamilton, Virgin Isl.
During my 180 degree climbout to head for TJPS, Vic did his TG here also... right on the spot.
Again a bit of formation flying... me, Christian and Vic.
Arrival at the final destination, TJMZ Mayaguez RWY 09.
Christian is already taxiing in.
Gathering at the apron.... luckily no ship here.
Front to back: Par, Vic, me and Christian
... the adventures of the Alaskan Kodiak in the Caribbean continued

Yesterday was leg 007, here's the map of the flight:
Par departed from the water, we did from land - let's say Vic and Christian didn't have much of a choice - ...
Lining up for departure at TJBQ.
Christian is flying the Beech KingAir 200 (I don't have a 200 in my inventory so it shows as a 300.. hope Christian can live with it) and Vic the Beechcraft Duke.
Me and Par took the trusty Kodiak Amphibian.
Practised a bit of formation flying with Vic enroute to our first TG, TJIG - Dominicci.
TG at Dominicci, a nice airport very near to San Juan.
Christian did his TG at San Juan, TJSJ. I just went for a flyby of the tower

Nice weather for sailing also...
now a big step ahead... my TG at TUPJ, Roadtown located at Tortola, Virgin Isl.
TG at RWY 09 TISX, A. Hamilton, Virgin Isl.
During my 180 degree climbout to head for TJPS, Vic did his TG here also... right on the spot.
Again a bit of formation flying... me, Christian and Vic.
Arrival at the final destination, TJMZ Mayaguez RWY 09.
Christian is already taxiing in.
Gathering at the apron.... luckily no ship here.
Front to back: Par, Vic, me and Christian
STefaan Cappelle